Thursday, November 29, 2012

1/2 way there!!

Hi everyone!  I know you all have been anxiously awaiting what John is going to write about next, but he is very busy this week so you will be hearing from me.
Our exciting news from this week is that we are now ½ way to our waiting family goal and 1/3 of the way to our total fundraising goal.  We are so excited and can’t thank all of you enough.  John and I have put this adoption in God’s hands and He is definitely taking care of us.  It is absolutely amazing to me that it was just over a month ago that we announced we were adopting.
 I remember the first time John and I considered adopting.  It was almost 2 years ago.  We started to research agencies and what was involved in the adoption process.  At that point, we saw the $30,000 price tag and thought that adoption would not be an option for us for a very long time. But, the pull to adopt never went away. This past October I couldn’t shake the feeling that we needed to adopt.  The pull was so strong that I knew I needed to talk to John about it and I would trust that if it was the right decision for us God would open doors.  I sent John a Facebook message telling him what I had been thinking about and asking him to think and pray and we could talk more about it at home.  Very quickly John responded that he was on board with me.  For the next couple weeks, I did TONS of research.  I read up on agencies, called agencies, read adoption blogs, and bookmarked all the adoption information I could. I also had to do my best to keep my mouth shut.  For those who know me well you know how hard that is for me.  I was so excited when we got accepted by ANLC and could finally share our news with everyone.
Now we are on our way to becoming a waiting family and eventaully parents.  We couldn’t be more excited.  We know there are a lot of hoops to jump through and lots more waiting to come but for right now we are focusing on our blessings and enjoying our time together.

1 comment:

  1. We are excited for you guys! Praying that the Lord will continue to make the way straight before you and bring you all the resources you need for your adoption. Praying, too, for your little one who has been yours from the beginning of time...can't wait to meet him or her! :)
